Contact Us

Low cost building regulations drawings online with fixed fees.

Arrangement Fees…

Once you have decided that we provide the right service for you, we will assess your expectations and let you know the feasibility of satisfying your ambitions, we will also offer advise and guidance.  

If we are able to assist with your project, we will ask you to sign a form to instruct us to proceed with your project. We collect an initial setup fee and agree upon a date and time to visit your property.

We shall then undertake a full measured survey and in the 5 working days that follow, a full set of accurate As Existing drawings will be produced for your property. These drawings will form the basis on which your whole scheme will be created, so it is very important that they are correct and accurate. We invest a lot of time and effort in to ensuring that these drawings are of the highest standard.

We shall send you a copy of the existing and proposed drawings that we have generated for your review and approval before we begin the Building Regulations upgrade process.

Final Fees…

In the 10-15 working days that follow agreement that the plans are ready for upgrade, we shall create a full set of building regulations drawings and specification. Upon completion we shall let you know that the package is ready for distribution, at this point the final fees shall be due for payment.

A Direct Bank Transfer Keeps Payments Simple…

We collect our fees via bank transfer, we provide all the details you will need to simply transfer fees directly and keep track of progress.